Sydney, 1961: Jockey McAuley is just looking for a little direction in life.  On a fast track from high school to the old school, he stumbles into the notorious Phoenix affair, a netherworld of shady deals, half truths and men with more sides than a cut diamond.

And then there's Ludo.  Glamorous, unattainable Ludo, playing everyone by her own rules.  The game changes fast, and a wink and a nod can get a capable young man anything from a gun in the face to a fortune in his kick.

With sharp dialogue, vivid characters and shocking intrigue, Ludo tips its hat to classic crime noir as it brings to life the seedy world of Sydney in the 1960s


Boyd Anderson

Boyd Anderson spent several years as a creative director in advertising, winning many awards in New York, Cannes, London, Los Angeles and Sydney.

His novel Errol, Fidel and the Cuban Rebel Girls (UQP 2010) was based on the relationship between movie star Errol Flynn and Fidel Castro.  Boyd also co-authored the novel Children of the Dust (Random House 1997).

Ludo is his third novel.  Boyd lives in Sydney and writes full-time.

Country of Origin


Series: Ludo

Year of Publication
Review LUDO - Boyd Anderson
Karen Chisholm
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Blog Currently Reading - Ludo, Boyd Anderson
Karen Chisholm
Wednesday, August 17, 2011

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