When collectors' magazine editor Sally Meredith arrives in England from Australia, she anticipates a quiet time catching up with old friends and writing an article about a weekend conference on girls' school stories. However, she is soon caught up in a murder mystery that goes to the very heart of the collecting network. Nothing about the school story world remains unchanged by the end of Sally's visit, including Sally herself. A must for everyone who has ever wondered just how far they would go to possess that very rare title!


Liz Filleul

Melbourne author and freelance editor, Liz had won two commendations before 'Brought to Book', her story about women fans of school girl stories, took out first prize in 2004. Born in the English Midlands, educated on the Welsh coast, and now living on top of a Victorian mountain with her Aussie husband, Liz gave up being a convenor of Sisters in Crime so she could enter the Scarlet Stilettos. She had a children's picture book, Tumbler, published in 2001; and her first crime novel, To All Appearances, Dead, will be published in the United Kingdom in 2007.

Country of Origin



Series: Scarlet Stiletto

Year of Publication

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