Out in the Arizona desert, Walter Reckles emerges unscathed from an air crash in a classified zone. He’s under intense pressure to retract his story about hitting an illicit drone – a story that reignites a century-old feud between the families of Mortiss and Worse. Meanwhile, in a cave in the Ferendes, Edvard TØssentern has discovered a wall of indecipherable hieroglyphs and deep inside the cave something sinister is stirring. Brilliant intelligence analyst Richard Worse is called in to investigate. Can he live long enough to discover the truth that will save Reckles and destroy the Mortiss empire? Things will go from bad to worse before you find out.


Robert Edeson

Robert Edeson was born in Perth, Western Australia, and educated at Christ Church Grammar School, the University of Western Australia and the University of Cambridge. He has been a consultant anaesthetist and researcher, publishing in the neuroscience, biophysical and mathematical literatures. He lives in Perth. The Weaver Fish is his first work of fiction.

Country of Origin



Year of Publication

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