Journalist Hope Barber disappears two weeks after returning to New Zealand from an assignment in Pakistan, leaving her front door open and her bag and phone inside. Her brother Noah reports her missing, but the police are dismissive and refuse to give any reason for their reluctant to act, despite the evidence.

Noah involves Hunter Grant and Dao to help him find his sister, but the authorities will only confirmation that Hope's file is flagged 'no action by police'. Presuming there is a block on her file from either intelligence services or Interpol they start their own investigation, but as details about Hope's time in Pakistan start emerging they are faced with more questions than answers.

Was Hope under surveillance? Was she linked to terrorists? Who is the man Hope called 'my stalker'?

Hunter, who in 'The Chinese Proverb' used his frontline Army experience to save Dao, finds himself in unknown territory. When a key person from Dao's past life in captivity turns up, things reach crisis point and Hunter once again takes matters of justice and retribution into his own hands. 


Tina Clough

Tina Clough grew up in Sweden and now lives in Hawke's Bay New Zealand. She left a career in corporate administration and divides her time between writing and looking after a one-acre field full of fruit trees, hens and various forms of wildlife, and taking visitors on wine tours.

Country of Origin



Series: Hunter Grant

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