Jen, the much-loved hub of the group, can hardly believe that she now is the mother of three daughters, working a meh career, married to Ian who turns into a total grump when his team doesn’t win.  Handsome Dan is on the uncertain precipice of new fatherhood whilst his girlfriend Geri waits patiently for him to get on board the pregnancy train.  Newly married Nick is not sure that he has made all the right decisions up to this point and is more than a little suspicious that his family are keeping some secrets from him.  Will is in love with someone else but is powerless to anything about it when his wife Penny needs him now more than ever.

To bring this all together, we have a wedding.  Penny isn’t quite sure why she was standing four stories up in the window of her hotel room when she was supposed to be watching the service, but the effect this act has on the wedding party will never be forgotten.  Her husband Will is mortified that his wife has caused such a disruption (was she intending to jump?) and the ripple effects of this one incident last long after the big day.


Caroline England

Born Yorkshire lass, Caroline studied Law at the University of Manchester and stayed over the border. Caroline became a partner in a Solicitors' practice and started writing when she deserted the law to bring up her three lovely daughters. In addition to the publication of her short story collection, Watching Horsepats Feed the Roses by ACHUKAbooks, Caroline has had short stories and poems published in a variety of literary magazines and anthologies. 

Country of Origin



Year of Publication

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