This is the story about two women who are trapped by a past that won't let go. As Maj-Britt festers malevolently in her hermetic apartment, appeased only by an endless supply of food, Monika works ceaselessly to blot out her pain, punishing herself unforgivingly if she fails to meet her own high standards. They have nothing in common but the determination to obliterate their memories and be left alone - but when a letter and a tragic accident force the past back to life, the emotional void at the centre of their lives gapes wide and threatens to engulf them both. Forced into a confrontation, each woman proves the catalyst for the other's destruction - or salvation. A taut psychological thriller, "Shame" builds inexorably and subtly into a study of the devastating powers of fear, oppressive religion and forbidden sexuality.


Karin Alvtegen

The Queen of Crime in Scandinavia.

Missing was awarded the premier Scandinavian crime writing award the Glass Key in 2001 and was also nominated for the Poloni Award and Best Crime Novel 2000 in Sweden.

Shame was shortlisted for the Crime Writers' Association Duncan Lawrie International Dagger award for crime novels in translation upon publication in English.

Country of Origin



Year of Publication

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