A TV producer asks Alex Tanner to investigate the famous society murder of the 1950s, the shooting of Lord Sherwin. Although suspicion quickly fell on his beautiful wife Laura, the case was unsolved. But Miss Potter, once the Sherwin governess, is now ready to tell her story.


Anabel Donald

Anabel has been writing fiction since 1982 when her first novel, Hannah at Thirty-five, was published to great critical acclaim. 

In her thirty-six-year teaching career she has taught adolescent girls in private boarding schools, a comprehensive and an American university. Most recently, she has written the five Alex Tanner crime novels in the Notting Hill series.

Country of Origin


Series: Notting Hill Mystery

Book Number (in series)
Review AN UNCOMMON MURDER - Anabel Donald
Karen Chisholm
Monday, October 1, 2007

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