A captive woman, a lover betrayed, an idealistic journalist.

Three women - their fates strangely aligned by a killer obsessed with retribution.

Melbourne Spotlight's Kim Prescott is promoted to the TV reporting staff after the program's exposé of the Tugga's Mob murders in Australia and New Zealand. The new high profile attracts stories.

An anonymous tip-off will horrify the nation all over again. Despite the scandal that almost closed the greyhound racing industry, it seems live baiting is still happening.

The trail leads Kim and her camera crew to the Victorian gold-mining ghost town of Steiglitz. They find horrific scenes at a trainer's starting boxes - but not what they expect.

Meanwhile, production assistant Jo becomes the pawn of an activist with a vendetta, testing whether her loyalty lies with him or her current affairs team.

And, most desperate of all, hope finally flickers for a woman who scratches the record of her captivity into a cellar wall.

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