UNDEAD AND UNPOPULAR - Mary Janice Davidson

Reviewed By
Andrea Thompson

UNDEAD AND UNPOPULAR moves the vampire queen Betsy Taylor just a little bit further down the line to being married, and to being more like a reigning monarch over her people. This little read is very much a one room drama - the characters hardly leave the house and spend their time bumping into each other in the hallways to throw out some sass and then move on. As will be the wont with vampire novels, there isn't a lot further up in the predatory chain to a competant vampire so therefore there's no threats coming from above. The warring factions approach has been attempted here but it is all so haphazard and casually done that you would feel a greater sense of tension from not remembering where you last saw your bookmark.

This series had an explosive start, and suffers now from the problem of what to do with Betsy. The marriage card can only be dragged out so long, and it's hard to feel much for two people who drink blood from each other anyway. This book is more of a quick character catch-up for the regular readers with a barely-there plot which would do little to draw in a new readership.

Year of Publication
Book Number (in series)

As Vampire Queen Betsy Taylor approaches the big 3-1 (in human years, that is), she has a lot on her plate. There are wedding plans to finalize, with no help from her fiance Eric. And Betsy's decided to stop drinking blood, something Eric, the vampire king, may not understand...

So when some guests show up uninvited, and they happen to be the powerful European vampires who have finally come to pay their respects the week before her birthday, Betsy gets really cranky... 

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