Be careful who you love …

It’s the year 2000 and while Bunny McGarry is theoretically on sabbatical from the police, he just can’t help sticking his nose in where it doesn’t belong.

Rosie Flint is an old acquaintance of Bunny’s whose boyfriend mysteriously disappears off the face of the Earth. What starts out as a simple missing person’s case soon gets a whole lot more complicated when it emerges that the boyfriend is not who he claimed to be and there are some rather sinister people showing an unhealthy interest in Rosie.

Bunny is only trying to help a friend but it’s just a matter of time before he finds himself at loggerheads with his colleagues on the force, having to reassess some events from his past and unwittingly involved in a major political coup.

He won’t be able to do this alone, so it is a good job he can call upon a certain band of kick-ass nuns to do what they do best. And he might even find a use for a twelve-year-old boy who is desperate to escape from an Irish language summer school.

Firewater Blues is the sixth book in McDonnell’s critically acclaimed bestselling and increasing inaccurately titled Dublin Trilogy. It mixes high-octane thrills with distinct Irish wit.




Caimh McDonnell

Irishman Caimh McDonnell is a former professional stand-up comedian and TV writer who now concentrates all of his energies on his books. Born in Limerick and raised in Dublin, he has taken the hop across the water and calls Manchester his home.

Country of Origin


Series: Dublin Trilogy

Series: McGarry Stateside

Series: MCM Investigations

Year of Publication
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Book Number (in series)
Review The Dublin Trilogy (books 3 - 7), Caimh McDonnell
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