Stand by for a full review - but just in a one word comment:  WOW

From the Blurb:

Sydney, 1992.  Nhu 'Ned' Kelly is a young detective making her way in what was, until recently, the best police force money could buy.  Now ICAC has the infamous Roger Rogerson in the spotlight, and the old ways are out.  Ned's sex and background still make her an outsider in the force, but Sydney is changing, expanding, modernising and so is the Job.

Opening Lines:

Acres of sheep, an arctic wind that barrelled through town, and a colonial red-brick goal with a reputation to match the mean winters. 

Year of Publication
Book Number (in series)

Sydney, 1992.  Nhu 'Ned' Kelly is a young detective making her way in what was, until recently, the best police force money could buy.  Now ICAC has the infamous Roger Rogerson in the spotlight, and the old ways are out.  Ned's sex and background still make her an outsider in the force, but Sydney is changing, expanding, modernising, and so is the Job.

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Submitted by Karen on Mon, 30/08/2010 - 07:13 pm