Highlights - getting my hands on 17 Years Later, and starting The Crag (which so far has nailed it's Victorian Rural setting AND gotten a good story off the ground).


Reviews Posted

Disaster Inc, Caimh McDonnell (#audio)

Expectant, Vanda Symon (#yeahnoir)


Added to the Piles

The Greater Good, Tim Ayliffe (#auscrime)

Yellowface, Rebecca F. Kuang

17 Years Later, J.P. Pomare (#auscrime / #yeahnoir)

Every Time I Go on Vacation, Someone Dies, Catherine Mack



Yellowface, Rebecca F. Kuang

The Kamogawa Food Detectives, Hisashi Kashiwai

Toksvig's Almanac, Sandi Toksvig


Currently Reading

The Bat, Jo Nesbo (still dipping in and out of this one)

The Crag, Claire Sutherland (#auscrime)

The Little Sparrow Murders, Seishi Yokomizo (#audio)


Next Up

Southern Aurora, Mark Brandi



Year of Publication
Book Number (in series)

All Bunny McGarry wants is a spot of breakfast and a decent cup of tea. So imagine how annoyed he gets when two masked men attempt to rob the New York diner he is in? Unfortunately, dealing with that problem just leads to a whole lot more. One of the diner’s other customers isn’t who she appears to be, and the odds aren’t great that she is going to live to see another breakfast.

Year of Publication

Is the truth sometimes best left buried?

The violent slaughter of the wealthy Primrose family while they slept shocked the nation of New Zealand and scarred the small idyllic rural town of Cambridge forever.

All of the evidence pointed to their young live-in chef, Bill Ruatara, who was swiftly charged with murder and brought to justice. The brutal crime is now infamous, and Bill a figure of contempt who deserves to rot in jail for life.

Seventeen years later, prison psychologist TK Phillips is fighting for an appeal. He is convinced Bill did not receive a fair trial. When celebrity true-crime podcaster Sloane Abbott takes a sudden interest, it's not long before she uncovers new evidence that could set fire to the prosecution's case.

As TK and Sloane dig deeper into the past, they become tangled in a complex web of danger and deceit. With Bill's innocence far from assured and their own lives at stake, will they risk everything to unearth the truth, or leave it buried for good?

Year of Publication
Book Number (in series)

A killer targeting pregnant women.

A detective expecting her first baby…

The shocking murder of a heavily pregnant woman throws the New Zealand city of Dunedin into a tailspin, and the devastating crime feels uncomfortably close to home for Detective Sam Shephard as she counts down the days to her own maternity leave.

Confined to a desk job in the department, Sam must find the missing link between this brutal crime and a string of cases involving mothers and children in the past. As the pieces start to come together and the realisation dawns that the killer’s actions are escalating, drastic measures must be taken to prevent more tragedy.

For Sam, the case becomes personal, when it becomes increasingly clear that no one is safe and the clock is ticking…

Year of Publication

Will the mountain give up its secrets? While walking on an isolated track in the windswept Wimmera, rock-climber Skye discovers the body of a young woman. The body has injuries that suggest a rock-climbing accident, but it's been found more than 5km from the nearest cliffs at Mount Arapiles.

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Submitted by Karen on Mon, 15/01/2024 - 12:28 pm