Sometimes you must shine a light on the dark places to see what was always there​.

Winter Robins is a happy enough child, growing up in the north of England, with parents who love her and the constant companion of a twin brother, but a cold wind blows through when her mother dies. Her father turns to the bottle, her grandmother struggles to cope, and she and her brother are sent to live in Western Australia with family their mother had never mentioned.

Although Winter quickly settles in Australia and comes to love her life and the people in it, she notices strange happenings in the shadows of her new home. When a news story prompts her to look back as her past, she begins to wonder whether things were as idyllic as she had thought at the time.

As she uncovers secret after secret, she realises a much darker narrative may have been – and perhaps still is – playing out ...


Louise Wolhuter

Louise Wolhuter grew up in northern England, moved to Queensland, before settling in Perth to raise a family. She currently works as an Education Assistant in a primary school, which leaves her early mornings, weekends and school holidays to write.

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Reading Pile

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